Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex) and by the Kyiv Aviation Plant AVIANT, in Ukraine.Design work started in 1971 and construction of facilities began in 1973. An unrivaled aircraft setting 21 world records. This graphic illustrates the longer wings and fuselage of the Slon design when compared with the Ruslan. An-124-100. Photo of Russia - Russian Air Force Antonov An-124 Ruslan (RF-82011) taken in Tver - Migalovo, Russia on 2018-06-09 by Artyom Anikeev of AirTeamImages.com An-124-100 kneeling with front ramp down (note tilt of aircraft fuselage and retraction of front wheels) The An-124 was manufactured in parallel by two plants: the Russian company Aviastar-SP (ex. Localización: Luxembourg-Findel - ELLX, Luxembourg: Tipo de aeronave: Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan: Operador: Antonov Airlines: Matrícula: UR-82029: Tipo: Photograph An-124-102. ... Rather than eek the Depron out I decided to 'go for broke' and build something 'big', for me anyway, an AN 124 with a 2.55 m (100") span. Photo of Russia - Russian Air Force Antonov An-124 Ruslan (RA-82035) taken in Moscow - Vnukovo, Russia on 2018-02-01 by Alexander Mishin of AirTeamImages.com Antonov 124 Ruslan. Antonov AN 124 Ruslan. Commercial transport version fitted with Western avionics. Image ID: 256519 Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan.
The challenge was likely not so much the span but the sheer size of that fuselage. (Illustration: TsAGI) The biggest production aircraft in the world. An-124-100M-150. An-124-130. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 4 million screened photos online!
RA-82073. Commercial transport version which has an EFIS flight deck. Commercial transport aircraft. Proposed version. Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan. Strategic heavy airlift transport aircraft. An-124-135 An-124 Ruslan. Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan. La menor quema de combustible proporciona un aumento del rango de dos veces en comparación con el An-124-100-150M, que puede transportar 150 toneladas a 1.675 nm o 80 toneladas a 4.600 nm.