douse, put out, quench, stamp out, smother, beat out, dampen down. Synonyms for extinguish in Free Thesaurus.
1668 December 19, James Dalrymple, “Mr.
... To extinguish something: Put out that fire now, before it goes out of control. Fullscreen.
It’s a way to put out that the fire that has become burnout – or prevent it from burning you out. Antonyms for extinguish. 142 … Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. How to Put Out a Fire. Verb []. to extinguish (ook: to put out, to stifle, to quench) volume_up. Settings. They intended to extinguish the enemy by force of numbers. Did you guys know you can put out a campfire using a spade instead of a water bucket? It’s a way out. If you feel that a fire is too large or dangerous for you to put out, don't hesitate to call the fire department.
Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 5. 1668 December 19, James Dalrymple, “Mr. Definition of put out in the Idioms Dictionary. put out phrase. expand_more Wij proberen een brand te blussen en stikken in de rook.
Definition of put out in the Idioms Dictionary. You can fight a fire without ever succeeding in extinguishing it. extinguish - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.
In its book form, it’s 200 pages of short chapters that you can read in less than 10 minutes. What does put out expression mean? Put out the fire and extinguish the fire mean the same. Posted by 1 year ago. 3.9k. open_in_new Link naar #bron# warning Vraag om herziening; We are trying to extinguish a fire and are suffocating in the smoke. extinguish (third-person singular simple present extinguishes, present participle extinguishing, simple past and past participle extinguished) to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quenc() to destroy or abolish somethingShe extinguished all my hopes. extinguish (third-person singular simple present extinguishes, present participle extinguishing, simple past and past participle extinguished) to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quenc() to destroy or abolish somethingShe extinguished all my hopes.
View synonyms. put out phrase. 5. This page shows answers to the clue Extinguish, followed by ten definitions like “Retire or pay off debt”, “Put out, as of fires” and “To abolish; to quench, as a flame”.Synonyms for Extinguish are douse, snuff out and stifle. Did you guys know you can put out a campfire using a spade instead of a water bucket? That’s what Extinguish Burnout: A Practical Guide to Prevention and Recovery is. ... To extinguish something: Put out that fire now, before it goes out of control. "Put out" is the everyday expression, "extinguish" more formal or technical. more_vert. 1.1 Put an end to; destroy. 0:00.
The principal told them to put the cigarettes out. Gerelateerd aan extinguish synoniemen put out - quench - stub - annihilate - carry off - decimate - eliminate - eradicate - wipe out - do away with - get rid of - crush out - press out - stub out - blow out verwante termen thin out - get rid of - destroy - go out - force - homicide - drag Close. Whether you're camping, cooking, or just minding your own business, knowing how to put out a fire properly will help you be prepared for any situation. They intended to extinguish the enemy by force of numbers. All Free.
Play. Archived. The principal told them to put the cigarettes out.
What does put out expression mean? Verb []. 0:00. blussen [bluste|geblust] {ww.} We found 8 answers for “Extinguish” . When a female dispenses her sexual favors she is said to "put out".
Fight the fire means try to put out the fire, or maybe sometimes just try to keep it under control. ‘She would blow out all the candles, extinguish the fire and shiver in the cold.’ Synonyms.