"Future Combat Air System" Airbus entwickelt neuen Euro-Kampfjet Airbus arbeitet an einem Nachfolger des Eurofighters. Système de combat aérien du futur (SCAF), ist ein deutsch-französisch-spanisches Programm zur Entwicklung eines Systems aus einem bemannten Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug der sechsten Generation (New Generation Fighter), unbemannten Begleitflugzeugen (Remote Carrier) sowie neuen Waffen und Kommunikationssystemen. Future Combat Air System: Airbus and Fraunhofer FKIE create expert panel on the responsible use of new technologies The expert panel, which was first initiated in Germany in 2019, currently includes stakeholders such as the German Ministry of Defence, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foundations, universities as well as think tanks. Dassault und Airbus werden, mit Dassault Aviation als Hauptauftragnehmer, den New Generation Fighter bauen, der einen Eckpfeiler des Future Combat Air Systems darstellt. etwa: Zukünftiges Luftkampfsystem, frz. The NGWS's components will be remote carrier vehicles (swarming drones) as well as a New Generation Fighter (NGF) - a sixth-generation jet fighterthat by around 2035–2040 will replace current Fr… The development of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) should ensure Europe’s technological leadership and its sovereignty in matters of defence in the aerospace sector for decades to come. später auch den Tor… The Future Combat Air System (FCAS, French: Système de combat aérien futur; SCAF) is a European combat system of systems under development by Airbus and Dassault Aviation. Demonstrator phase launched: Future Combat Air System takes major step forward Die Regierungen Frankreichs und Deutschlands haben den Rahmenvertrag für die erste Demonstratorphase des Future Combat Air System (FCAS) unterzeichnet und damit Airbus und Dassault Aviation zusammen mit ihren Partnern MTU Aero Engines, Safran, MBDA und Thales den Auftrag zum Beginn der …

To replace the current generation of fighter aircraft, Germany and its European partners – particularly France – are confronted with important decisions and there is a need for a European solution against …

The FCAS will consist of a Next-Generation Weapon System (NGWS) as well as other air assets in the future operational battlespace. Airbus has a leading role within the Next Generation Weapon System programme programme which will be the core of FCAS.

Munich, 14 May 2020 – In the frame of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS), Airbus (stock exchange symbol: AIR) and Bonn, Germany-based Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE have created an independent panel of experts on the responsible use of new technologies to define and propose ethical as well as international legal “guard rails” for Europe’s …

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