or. 55K likes. Team Principal and CEO Aki Ajo. Red Bull KTM Ajo's Tetsuta Nagashima came through from 14th to grab a surprise emotional maiden Moto2 win in a frantic Qatar Grand Prix. Ajo Motorsport, KTM and Red Bull have collaborated in the Moto2™ World Championship for three years, enjoying successes like the team title they achieved in 2018. Kuva: Red Bull KTM Ajo. Crew Chief / Race Engineer: Alberto Iotti Data Engineer: Ruben Moreno Mechanic: David Ripoll Mechanic: Aday Cortes. Thaimaan GP:n aika-ajo oli tapahtumien täytteinen kaikissa luokissa.
Red Bull KTM Ajo (KTM) 1m 46.093s: 3: John McPhee: GBR: Petronas Sprinta Racing (Honda) 1m 46.102s: 4: Andrea Migno: ITA: SKY Racing Team VR46 (KTM) 1m … OREO. Ecco le foto della giornata di test pre-stagionale svolta a Jerez de la Frontera da piloti e team di MotoGP prima dell'appuntamento che farà scattare il Motomondiale 2020. Red Bull KTM Ajo. Official Red Bull KTM Ajo Facebook Page Twitter: @RedBull_KTM_Ajo Instagram: @redbull_ktm_ajo Red Bull KTM Ajo. The Red Bull KTM Ajo Moto2 riders went directly into Q2, thanks to the times set by Jorge Martin and Tetsuta Nagashima on Friday.
Not Now. Japanese star Tetsuta Nagashima has signed up to be a part of the KTM GP Academy in 2020 MotoGP and will move alongside Jorge Martin in the Red Bull KTM Ajo Moto2 racing team next season. 2020 Red Bull KTM Ajo Staff. See more of Red Bull KTM Ajo on Facebook. Official Red Bull KTM Ajo Facebook Page Twitter: @RedBull_KTM_Ajo Instagram: @redbull_ktm_ajo Red Bull KTM Tech3. KTM Factory Racing. Brad Binder. 10. The Red Bull KTM Ajo rider has taken advantage of the recent months of inactivity to continue preparing physically and mentally, and now faces the second race of the year with great enthusiasm. Food & Beverage Company. Business and Management Services Sami Haanpaa . After the suspension of the season due to the global health emergency four months ago, Raul Fernandez and Kaito Toba will be back on-board their KTM this week at the Spanish GP. Official Red Bull KTM Ajo Facebook Page Twitter: @RedBull_KTM_Ajo Instagram: @redbull_ktm_ajo Administration Manager Hanna Hakkarainen. MotoGP-luokan kilpailuun paalulta starttaa aika-ajon lopussa kaatunut Fabio Quartararo, Ajon tiimin Jorge Martin saavutti eturivin lähtöpaikan ensimmäistä kertaa Moto2-luokassa ja Moto3-luokan paalumies Celestino Vietti kävi hakemassa vauhtia …
Related Pages. Crew Chief / Race Engineer: Niklas Ajo Data Engineer: Ruben Moreno Mechanic: Simon …
Forgot account? Raul Fernandez. 55K likes. Sports Team. Red Bull KTM Ajo Moto3 riders face the second race of 2020 this weekend at the Spanish GP, after a long and uncertain wait. Martin has also been training hard in a strict routine during the lockdown. Create New Account.
Team Suzuki Ecstar. Red Bull KTM Ajoに所属する日本人ライダーがMoto2 2020シーズン開幕戦カタールで素晴らしい走りを見せ、同クラス初表彰台・初優勝を記録した。 osób lubi to. Sports Team. Sports. Athlete . Professional Sports Team. 55 tys.
The pair were under 6 tenths of a second slower than the poleman, with the Spaniard qualifying on the third row of the grid and his teammate on Row 5.
55 k mentions J’aime.
Official Red Bull KTM Ajo Facebook Page Twitter: @RedBull_KTM_Ajo Instagram: @redbull_ktm_ajo Log In. Kaito Toba.
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