If you want to create combinational logic use an always block with Blocking assignments. Verilog : Functions - FunctionsFunctions are declared within a module, and can be called from continuous assignments, always blocks or other functions. always@ blocks 1.1 always@ Blocks always@ blocks are used to describe events that should happen under certain conditions. Function: A Verilog HDL function is the same as a task, with very little differences, like function cannot drive more than one output, can not contain delays. The keyword automatic will make the function reentrant and items declared within the task are dynamically allocated rather than shared between different invocations of the task. functions are defined in the module in which they are used. Verilog: always @ Blocks Chris Fletcher UC Berkeley Version 0.2008.9.4 August 27, 2009 1 Introduction Sections 1.1 to 1.6 discuss always@ blocks in Verilog, and when to use the two major flavors of always@ block, namely the always@( * ) and always@(posedge Clock) block. always@ … 1.1 always@ Blocks always@ blocks are used to describe events that should happen under certain conditions. An always block is one of the procedural blocks in Verilog. Sequential Verilog CSE370, Lecture 16 2 Variables wire Connects components together reg Saves a value Part of a behavioral description Does NOT necessarily become a register when you synthesize May become a wire The rule Declare a variable as regif it is a target of an assignment statement inside an always block Try not to mix the two in the same always block. Syntax always @ (event) [statement] always @ (event) begin [multiple statements] end The always block is executed at some particular event. This will be useful for recursive functions and when the same function is executed concurrently by N processes when forked. Here's a good rule of thumb for Verilog: In Verilog, if you want to create sequential logic use a clocked always block with Nonblocking assignments. The event is defined by a sensitivity list. Statements inside an always block are executed sequentially. Verilog: always@ Blocks Chris Fletcher UC Berkeley Version 0.2008.9.4 September 5, 2008 1 Introduction Sections1.1to1.6discuss always@ blocks in Verilog, and when to use the two major avors of always@ block, namely the always@( * ) and always@(posedgeClock) block.
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