Many translated example sentences containing "should become the norm" – Japanese-English dictionary and search engine for Japanese translations. it’s not the norm の定義 @american22 "norm" is a shortened form of "normal" so "it's not the norm" means that "it is not normal"|it's different from what is usually accepted or expected.|It's not normal, usual 実際、AVラックを見てみると、テレビの大画面化に伴って背が低く、かつオープンスタイルのものが一般的に なりつつありますよね。 ... becoming more and more the norm Let us hope that this will not become the norm in relations between EU Member States. Storage racks have become lower as television screens have become larger, and an open style is becoming the norm. Speriamo che questo non diventerà la norma nelle relazioni tra gli Stati membri dell'UE. becoming の使い方と意味. the normの意味や使い方 当たり前, 当り前, あたり前, 当りまえ - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 変化形: become, becomes, became, become. norm(ノルム)は「基準」を意味し、数学では距離を意味します。2018年11月、みちびき l1sの運用開始により1メートル精度が実現し、2019年のゴルフルール改正で残り距離を知るためにgpsキャディーを使うことが公認となった今、normはgpsキャディの新基準となる製品として誕生しました。 It is a long struggle that requires defuse many prejudices in a war zone, where racism and sectarianism have become the norm . norm 【名】 〔社会における行動の〕規範、基準 標準[平均]的な状況[環境]・Eating meat twice a day i...【発音】[US] nɔ́rm | [UK] nɔ́ːm【カナ】ノーム【変化】《複》norms - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - norm とは【意味】(社会の)標準的な状態,(行動様式の)規範... 【例文】Working women are the norm in that nation.... 「norm」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書 "norm"と同じい意味合いでよく使われています。"ordinary"は形容詞だけど、"the ordinary"と言えば名詞になり「平凡なこと」になります。 ... She says the bans are being pushed by far right wing parties, but there is a danger that they will become the norm.
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