AVID and a score of other community organizations, as well as members of the New Mexico congressional delegation, have asked the Department of Homeland Security to release all non-violent migrants without a criminal record to prevent further outbreaks. ◆ 【語法】 detentionは「拘禁」の意味では不可算だが、「拘束の罰」の意味ではしばしば可算。 ・He got another detention for being late. During the apartheid era, laws were passed which allowed the security police to detain people indefinitely without having to give any reason. Most of those in detention are seeking lawful asylum in the United States. In order to expose and attack a horrifying practice, Van Wyk uses the kind of explanations typically offered by the security police for deaths in detention in South Africa. 『 ドルフ・ラングレン in ディテンション 』( 原題 :DETENTION)は、2003 年 7月 5日 に 公開 された アメリカ合衆国 と カナダ 共同制作 の アクション映画 。 So have reports of incidents involving use of force.
detention definition: 1. the act of officially detaining someone: 2. a form of punishment in which children are made to…. Learn more.
Detention 1960年代の台湾、架空世界の学校を舞台にしたホラーアドベンチャーゲームです。 台湾ならではの文化を表現したいため、キャラクターやシーンも台湾人に親しみのある要素を採用しており、一膳飯、廟宇、神壇など、当時の宗教や風習をゲームに組み込んでいます。 Advocacy groups say hunger strikes have been on the rise in ICE detention facilities since concerns about Covid-19 surged. be in detentionの意味や使い方 拘留中である - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
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