HKQAA Certification (Shanghai) Ltd. Unit 2007-2008, 20/F., Pole Tower, 425 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China. RE: what is hongkong postal code? Telephone Code: 852 ISO Code 2 Digit: hk ISO Code, 3 Digit: hkg Hong Kong Currency : Hong Kong Dollar.
Find any zip code (including ZIP+4 - full 9-digit US zip codes) or postal code in the world by using our simple lookup function.
Shanghai. Login to reply the answers Post; Melli. 0 0 0. Hong Kong. 19/F., K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2202 9111 Fax: (852) 2202 9222 ... K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2202 9111 Fax: (852) 2202 9222 e-mail: . Scott Edmunds August 26, 2015. A postal code (known in various countries as a post code, postcode, or ZIP code) is a series of and/or digits appended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail.
About:Hong Kong Area & Zip Code. Hong Kong area code (calling code) is 852 and there is no zip code there. So, no need to write it if you would like to send letter or parcel to Hong Kong. Lv 4. 0 0 Reply. According to postal workers in the city, the city is so small that it is easy to deliver the mail without sorting it based on postal codes. North Point is also served by Hong Kong Tramways, of which it is one of the seven terminal points. 4 years ago . 4 …
Home delivery: Mr. CHAN Kwok-kwong Flat 25, 12/F apartment and floor no.
Lv 4. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous.
Hi I want to know the zip code in north point hong kong, can you please give it to me????
Dear Hong Kong Post Office, Can you explicitly confirm that 999077 is the postal code for Hong Kong?
Download a zip file of all correspondence; View event history details; Collapse all correspondence; RSS feed. North Point.
Kowloon Motor Bus, New World First Bus and Citybus have routes through North Point. 0 0 0. Thank you so much ANC best regards to all!! If someone from Hong Kong orders something from an online vendor and requires a postal code, they can simply use five zeros or place HK in that field. Hong Kong. Experience lifestyle in the city at Harbour Plaza North Point. According to postal workers in the city, the city is so small that it is easy to deliver the mail without sorting it based on postal codes.
There is no postal code for Hong Kong as Hong Kong is a territory and not just a location itself.
Lv 4. The hotel is uniquely placed to take advantage of transport networks on Hong Kong island.
5 years ago. Coding method.
Login to reply the answers Post; pihl. If someone from Hong Kong orders something from an online vendor and requires a postal code, they can simply use five zeros or place HK in that field.
Interactive map of Hong Kong. Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry services connect Nort…
Postal codes are not used in Hongkong. Hong Kong postal code ( also used other Term post code, postcode, pin code or ZIP code ) is a series of 6 digits appended to a address for the purpose of sorting mail.
North Point is served by the Island Line and the Tseung Kwan O Line of the MTR rapid transit railway system. Acacia Building building name 150 Kennedy Road thoroughfare number, name and type WAN CHAI name of village, town or district HONGKONG 0 0 0. 0 1 0. What is the postal code for North Point, Hong Kong? Answers (1) Answered by Ms.Sisley | Dec. 02, 2010 01:04.
If have stayed or dined with us before, please let us know what you liked best.
0 0 0.
If it's required for an online forms, use 00000 or other random numbers.
Trending Questions. Hong Kong Postal Code. Delivered. Postal Codes for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
North Point. Hong Kong does not use zip or postal codes. Whether you are just passing through or intending to stay with us for longer, we'd like you to make this your home away from home. For the same reason that Hong Kong location searches in google don't usually work, and geocoding Hong Kong is hell. This Site Might Help You. It turns out that the Hong Kong has never gotten around to standardizing addresses.
Hong Kong does not have any zip or postal codes. Follow. Hong Kong. There is one highway, Island Eastern Corridor, serving North Point; it runs along the waterfront of the area. Hong Kong Currency Code : HKD Internet TLD Code : .hk.
North Point Station is the terminus of the Tseung Kwan O Line. But if you are going send mail from China, zip code is 999077.
Hong Kong has no zip code. Answers (1) Answered by Miranda from usa | Aug. 06, 2019 17:41. Just click on the location you … It is 999077.
Login to reply the answers Post; pihl.
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