Paterno-Büchi Reaction. The Paternò-Büchi reaction mechanism involving a PET is initiated by the formation of a charge-transfer exciplex CT, which leads to a radical-ion pair RI. The Paternò–Büchi photocycloaddition reaction is used as the basis for physical–organic final-year undergraduate laboratory experiments designed to emphasize the multidisciplinary approach to modern-day chemical practice.
The Paternò–Büchi reaction, named after Emanuele Paternò and George Büchi who established its basic utility and form, is a photochemical reaction that forms four-membered oxetane rings from an excited carbonyl and reacting with an alkene. Am. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2019, 18 (10) , 2297-2362. The latter can be separated by the solvent or can yield an oxetane via a triplet diradical 3 D. The Paternò-Büchi reaction—Mechanisms and application to organic synthesis. Ital.. 1909, 39, 341. Soc.. 1954, 76, 4327. DOI: 10.1039/C9PP00148D. J. Chem. Chem. Formation of oxetanes by photochemical cycloaddition of carbonyl compounds to olefins: D. R. Arnold, Advan. The photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition of a carbonyl with an olefin to give an oxetane. The Paternò-Büchi reaction is a photochemical reaction between a carbonyl compound and an alkene to give the corresponding oxetane. Paterno ̀ − Bu ̈ chi reaction, where the oxetane product is typically formed by an addition of excited carbonyl chromophore to a ground state alkene ( Scheme 1 ; top). Soc. E. Paterno, G. Chieffi, Gazz. Mechanism of the Paterno-Büchi Reaction.
Maxime Fréneau, Norbert Hoffmann.
Paterno-Büchi Reaction. Die Regio- und Stereoselektivität lässt sich durch Anregung ausgewählter Übergänge und des Zustandes steuern (Wellenlängen anhand von lokalen Maximas in UV … In this chapter, the mechanism of the reaction is discussed.
Die Ausbeuten der Paterno-Büchi-Reaktion schwanken zwischen schlecht und nahezu quantitativ. Original publication: Gazz. Am. Chim. Ital. Chim. The Paternò–Büchi reaction – a comprehensive review. 39, 341 (1909); G. Büchi et al., J. 76, 4327 (1954).